Monthly Archives: April 2017

When I read the market opportunity part in my document, and my document in general, it is beautiful, it is an awesome vision but again it is nothing without a community that sustainably utilizes it.  I am grateful for the gifts of what I’ve needed, especially, for what seems to me the Grace of God while I worked through my anger and depression with God making this garden, for the teachings, for the second hand clothing, the toilet paper, the toothpaste, the shoes, the likes and shares on facebook, the room to sleep in, the heater in the winter, the farms I get to see… its the reason I do at times maintain this garden with very little reward.

  1. Club members over the past year and a half have been exposed to information on this garden in the club newsletter less than 5 times.  This means the market opportunity has not been utilized or tapped into.  Pirates is a sports club, and the sporting activities, wine tastings and gin and tonic evenings take precedence.  They have been very generous in gifting me with the use of the land and borehole water.  I would gladly stand at the gates and hand out pamphlets if I had the funding to make pamphlets. I am now pushing to walk and do this talk, and discussion about my vision (see the Art of Craft Mission document) with committee members and management over the next two months, and be more frequent in the newsletter, if the garden is to remain on the premises.
  2. Suburban upper class wine tastings or food, tea and wine pairing is something I would require professionals to come and present and train me if desired or just use the opportunity and add to the versatility of the ideas set out in my document as far as Pirates being a space known as a hub of community support and inspiration in all areas of wellness goes.
  3. Organic markets and farmers come together at Pirates, but one market is a success and the rest are often confused with this one, resulting in a lot of newcomers only coming through once.  The farmers stalls at markets are usually one guy selling everyone’s produce, so it is not likely to meet the farmer at a organic market, but rather at the garden swaps.  Either way all NEED SUPPORT.  I do not generate enough income to support myself, and usually pay for markets by grace… as in the fee is waived last minute or lessened and volunteers assist me in moving around once a week, or month at times in doing a market.  I therefore have little exposure.  This month I am merging with The Vintage Kitchen, and have shared and added some spice to what I produce from the garden. Elisma from The Vintage Kitchen will also assist with packaging, design and distribution.  Below are some images of our small start in the kitchen today, yes a day before the Bluebird Wholefood Market where these will be for sale ;-) big love.DSC_0058 DSC_0054 DSC_0057
  4. Health shops, co-op shops and online shops want larney packaging I cannot afford and I have not contacted or met many of the owners.  Mostly because I know that what I produce is unique and limited and they want products that are supplied in x amount on a weekly basis with x amount of profit in x amount of time …  quite frankly, if I spread out my teas at pirates now it will be another 6 – 8 months to meet a demand on a huge variety of things.  Packaging will cost, so will communication.
  5. I have registered a blogpage as an online shop and will be learning and putting my items for sale on the Art of Craft Shopping site this month April 2017.  It was set up by an IT guy who has little income, for free.  My domain name for this blog was gifted by an old friend from many years back.
  6. No one has ever contributed R500 or more, added my range of teas and infusions to their brands packaging and distribution (however my salt and tea is now added to The Vintage Kitchen collection of April 2017), and had me teach and train their growers about them, placed a link to Art of Craft on their website, sponsored an Art of Craft event, and Solid Green is the only company to have brought a group to volunteer at the Art of Craft garden.
  7. In consideration of the Art of Craft Mission document attached in PDF format free for you to download here – artofcraftmission – and the above mentioned, as well as losing the cottage I tried to make a home and business in over the past 4 months my bed and camping chair are for sale.  My offerings of doing art, making you medicinal infusions, garden consultations and reports with trading assistance still exist.  In short I do all this for the love of God, humanity and the earth quite literally.  As much as I have inspired you in your art, life, business and dreams, you have inspired me to live from my core.
  8. My phone, banking and email records, as well as the free spaces to sleep, store things, take things along randomly and loss of a beautiful cottage are testimony to what I consider a lack of support, though a few have angrily commented that I have support. I once laughed, responding that I have more opportunists than support, which I still feel is true, which is why I mainly tried to do this garden alone – for me it was my only grounding place, when I previously had no cottage or home of my own… it is and was also my downfall, as hermits own IT businesses lol not empowerment or healing ones.  I deeply apologize to society and myself daily.   Some have commented that I have inspired them, others have been empowered for short periods.  It is and always will be my intention to ADD VALUE whether I have money to pay for it to be added or practical DIY – like this garden.
  9. Lastly, I am sure I will be forgiven if I disappear out this farming scene all together, flatten and remove the plants from the garden entirely, and just make tea and do art… and grow my plants elsewhere. However, I have been changing the garden by moving things around, and planting seeds, so that it can be left alone more-so, while I ground myself and completely manifest my business here in Johannesburg.  I really do want to do a few art installations at some point before my trade time ends ;-)
  10. Thank you for continuing to show respect for the space I grow my food and medicine in.                                                                                                                                                                  Please give me a call if you would like to utilize any of my offerings or purchase my bed and camping chair 072 146 9017

