Monthly Archives: August 2017

My winter has been filled with color, as I find my way still with all of these things I write and share herein.  I have spent 4 months and counting drifting between Mpumalanga and Johannesburg, planting and harvesting bits and pieces.  Consulting work is picking up, and paying off in more ways than one, as clients begin to show and share their harvests and joy about fresh peas and spinach, onion and tomato always there.

I still believe that food and water should be a human right, and that it is important to add value to our food security by adding to the biodiversity in our gardens and communities.  At the farm outside Machadasdorp (Mpumalanga), the garden has taken shape as shown below, throughout winter.

This was the beginning…


I am greatful for the assistance in hoe-ing out the thicket, as I sorted the debris into braches, logs, mulch, and used it to shape and layer my beds.  Much is being used to grow soil or compost for planting.

2This is the result.  I have planted Mugwort, Basilmint, Pineapple mint, Rue, Burdock, Comfrey, Rainbow Raddishes, Marigold, Onion, Specboom and Amaranth here.


 Just needs SOIL -the most important plant you will ever grow.  Soil is for plants what bioplus is for some of us.  My method is being tested wherever I gain clients with the consultations I have begun to do.  I have had success both on ivy, and on clay soil, also in drought.  I believe I have combined permaculture methods of sheet mulching and hugelkultuur in some cases, however in this garden elements such as the eucalyptus and pine needles are shunned.  If i were more scientifically equipped I would guess the soil ph is what is most tampered with when I work in this way, shifting layers of the earth like a dj.  To me, each part of any piece of land is different, it is a thing or language we all know and become aware of the more we engage in being part of the solution to climate change.  This part of the solution is biodiversity.



The shadecloth donated was not enough on my first trip, but I managed to get some more on my second trip and have sewn it all together onto the tunnel, next to this spiral garden I made.  Things are already growing here too…



As you can see, things are really growing here….

9I am in Johannesburg 7 – 9 days a month to generate a financial income.  My garden at the Pirates Sports Club is still growing, and I have chosen to share it with some people, they deserve a dedicated blog post. We hope to sustain ourselves with food and medicine from this garden and will continue to use the garden as a place for crop swaps and workshops.

If you would like to have a garden consultation, please book one in advance.  Email or give me a call Netanya 072 146 9017