I discovered some Bamboo Leaf Tea in meeting Marcel, who is the brain behind the idea of setting up a bottle brick making station in the garden I am creating with some amazing volunteers.   She introduced me to Gwendolene or Gwen who grows bamboo, which variety is still a mystery, but I am also considering adding more of her products in the future for reasons below.


Bamboo Leaf Tea, is mainly silica and removes Aluminum from the body. The build-up of Aluminum in the body causes Alzheimer’s.  Bamboo Leaf Tea contains the highest amount of vegetative silica of any plant.  It promotes hair growth, nail strength, it is the building block of collagen, rejuvenates the skin, increases bone density and is effective for IBS, ulcers and other digestive issues.  You need only boil one or two leaves for a cup of tea.  I have tried and tested it, and added rooibos and honey or pomegranite juice.  Let us know what you think if you try this cup of tea.  Please see the end of this post for contact details.

Gwen reminded me that almost all diseases and sickness stem from extreme acidity in the body. The way to solve this is with an alkaline to bring up the PH levels in the body.   Gwen has a very good Colon Cleanser which does that. It brings the PH levels up, bonds with toxins in the body, especially the BT Toxin, which is an insecticide that is in all the foods in South Africa, that is causing high rates of cancer amongst the people also children, also toxins that are in tap water, and removes them from the body. It also removes Mercury from the body which is the cause of many diseases.  Gwen claimed that everyone used this, many doctors would find themselves without work! Think about that!

Gwen also mentioned having another tea, that if consumed daily for 2 months reverses cancer and Diabetes Type 2.
And what about some good organic tooth cleaner?

I am also putting this article out for any other retailers or stall holders who might be interested in her products, or mine or both to contact Gwen on info.organic.solutions@gmail.com  or  072 414 0529 or me 072 146 9017.  You can also contact me via this blog ;-)

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